Pihu Hindi Movie Review – Pihu – A Good Story but An Average Movie

Writer-director Vinod Kapri’s purported thriller “Pihu” is an attempt to shake parents and guardians out of their stupor and make them realise the perils of a two-year old child alone at home. It borrows the concept from “Home Alone” sans the comic elements of that film and also from the recently released Hindi film “Trapped”.

While the film starts on a compelling note as Pihu (Myra Vishwakarma) is seen trying to wake her mother who is lying on the bed, the series of events that follow — Pihu’s misadventures, with various dangers – geyser, balcony, hot iron, gas stove, confronting her, while alone at home, the film appears to be an exaggerated drama, that is intense yet tedious to watch.

There is nothing light-hearted about the film and although at most times, the director acquaints you with stark reality, it appears trite and repetitive after a while. Yes, there are moments, when the parent or guardian in you, is at the edge of one’s seat, worrying and getting concerned about the innocent Pihu’s next move and its outcome, but those moments are few and far between.

A one-actor film, “Pihu” naturally belongs to Myra, who prods along, oblivious of the camera, shining effortlessly in her character of a child alone at home, challenged by a series of happenings and obstacles as she navigates her way through various activities.

Overall, “Pihu” is a decent attempt, but should have been carefully thought through if a full-length feature film was to be made on the subject. In its current form, it fails to entice you.

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